Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1777.02.05

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Index Entry Gall'way has fled, and join'd the venal Howe [fl] 
Location Bucks County 
5 Feb 1777:33 (1775)
The inclosed are the thoughts of a few minutes which, if you
think them severe enough, "Print 'em [?] God."
Gall'way has fled, and join'd the venal Howe, 
To prove his baseness, see him cringe and bow;
A traitor to his country, and its laws, 
A friend to tyrants, and their cursed cause:--
. . . [12 lines, signed] New-Town, Bucks County, Feb. 3,

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1777.02.05 
Publisher Bradford, William and Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0039361
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